You will be fundraising for: Support the Irish Refugee Council this World Refugee Day

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Your Privacy

The Irish Refugee Council believes in establishing a clear, transparent, and accountable approach to our data protection to ensure that all those who support and engage with us can do so safe in the knowledge that we will apply the same values to our data protection as we do to all our work and will handle their personal data in a secure, transparent and responsible manner with full respect for their privacy, in line with all relevant legal obligations. We use your personal data to provide and improve our site. We respect the rights of users of our Site and we are committed to protecting your privacy in accordance with Data Protection legislation at all times. We will not collect any personal information (also referred in the following policy as personal data) about you on this website without your permission or otherwise in accordance with Data Protection legislation.

You can learn more in our Privacy Policy which describes our policies and procedures on the collection, use and disclosure of your information when you use our services and tell you about your privacy rights and how the law protects you.

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