18 September 2024, For Immediate Release

The Irish Refugee Council launched its 2023 Impact Report today, showcasing, through data and stories, the broad range of work undertaken by the organisation and its impact on people seeking protection and refugees. The organisation implemented new strategies to address challenges posed by increased demand for services, homelessness, disinformation, violence and arson attacks. It won the Charities Institute Ireland Charity of the Year Award and also celebrated over 30 years of impactful work.

Key statistics include:

  • 27,899 incoming calls to our helplines compared to 24,000 calls in 2022 (16.3% increase).
  • 20,890 people received substantial support.  
  • 1,057 homeless people and those at risk of homelessness were supported.
  • 550 people received legal representation on reception conditions issues.
  • 3 cases represented by our Independent Law Centre selected as lead High Court cases in respect of international protection applicants experiencing homelessness.
  • 354 women enrolled for upskilling courses through our Employment programme.  
  • 104 people accommodated through our ‘A Place to Call Home’ programme.
  • 195 young people engaged across groups, projects, and one-to-one support.

Irish Refugee Council CEO Nick Henderson said:

“2023 was dominated by an increase in demand for our services and, due to the external environment, people we support presenting with increasingly challenging circumstances and issues. The demand on our services required us to review how we approach our work. We introduced technologies that increased the capacity of our frontline services, created multimedia information resources and increased outreach.

Through our dedicated staff and the incredible backing of our donors and supporters, we doubled the number of people we assisted compared to 2022.

We applaud and celebrate the remarkable acts of solidarity and compassion from communities and individuals across the country that helped people seeking protection integrate into their new communities and cope with the hostilities.

Unfortunately, as we launch this report, we once again raise our deep concern for the 2,644 protection applicants without accommodation and the increasingly hostile environment for people seeking sanctuary in Ireland.”


Notes to Editors

  • Irish Refugee Council 2023 Impact Report available here.
  • Irish Refugee Council 2022 Impact Report is available here.
  • Link to Information Hub here.
  • The Irish Refugee Council's June 2023 report that captures the impact of homelessness among international protection applicants, “Now I live on the road,” is available here
  • The High Court's April 2023 judgment of Justice Meenan is here
  • The High Court’s December 2023 judgment of Justice Ferriter is here. Justice Ferriter stated: “As the review of the relevant law contained in this judgment makes clear, as a matter of EU law (as transposed into Irish law), the State remains under a continuing, mandatory obligation to provide international protection applicants with basic needs including accommodation on an uninterrupted basis from the point at which qualifying persons apply for international protection.” 
  • Applicants were represented by the Irish Refugee Council Independent Law Centre in both cases. 
  • “30 Years 30 Voices: The Power of Protection” launched June 2023 to mark World Refugee Day and reflect on the impact and evolution of international protection in Ireland since the organisation was formed is available here.
  • The July 2024 High Court judgment on homeless protection applicants in a case taken by the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC) is available here.
For further information contact:

Nick Henderson, CEO, [email protected], 0858585559

Wendy Muperi, Communications Officer, [email protected], 0858550434.

 Download 2023 Impact Report