Pathways to Protection and Inclusion Since 2015, there has been a dramatic rise in the number of people facing forceddisplacement. By the end of 2016, over 65.6 million people fled their homesworldwide, 22.5 million of whom were refugees with 40.3 million internallydisplaced. Families are being torn apart and children remain the most affected, makingup 50% of those fleeing persecution and violence.2 Faced with extremely poor livingconditions and with no prospect of being able to return home in the short to mediumterm, people are forced to move on to try and find safety. In 2016, over 1.2 millionpeople submitted an asylum claim in the EU. The levels of global forced displacement arereaching levels unseen since World War II. It is one of the major challenges of our times. Given the sheer scale of people on the move and in need of protection, the current statusquo response is not sustainable. Without alternatives, even the strictest border controlefforts will not stop people seeking safety – it will only make journeys more dangerousand deadly. EU Member States, including Ireland, must do more to ensure that durablesolutions are found as people’s lives hang in the balance. It is critical that Ireland playsa central role in showing solidarity with countries hosting the majority of the world’srefugee and displaced populations. In response to the global humanitarian crisis, people from all around Ireland pledgedsupport and solidarity with those fleeing persecution and conflict. This inspiring responsecan now be built on with the recent announcement from the Government to develop aCommunity Sponsorship Programme for refugees. This is a very welcome initiative asit will not only assist refugees, but also strengthen, deepen and enrich our communities. This is a briefing paper from the Irish Refugee and Migrant Coalition. The Coalition wasfounded in August 2015, and is comprised of 23 leading Irish organisations that seek toadvance the rights and dignity of people on the move and those in need of internationalprotection. This paper does not provide a comprehensive overview of all immigrationand asylum developments since January 2016. Rather, it sets out some of the majorchanges from an International, European and Irish perspective and outlines a range ofrecommendations for the Irish government in order to ensure that Ireland respondsresponsibly and displays solidarity with the regions and persons most affected by on-goingconflicts and mass displacement. Download paper Manage Cookie Preferences