There has been significant misinformation and disinformation surrounding international protection in Ireland in recent times resulting in growing hostility towards people seeking protection and migrants in Ireland. Below is information that can help you understand the international protection system and trends here and globally.

Irish Context

In line with the 1951 Refugee Convention and the 2015 International Protection Act, Ireland has a responsibility to provide refuge to those fleeing wars and persecution. 

To get a comprehensive understanding of the Irish context including the rights of people seeking protection, vetting system, how many of them are granted status, why some people arrive without passports, how deportation orders work and how the application rate compares to other countries. 

Abridged FAQ            Detailed FAQ

Global Picture

One in 69 people displaced globally

As of December 2023, about 117,3 million people worldwide were forcibly displaced due to persecution, conflict, violence, human rights violations and events seriously disturbing the public order (UNHCR). This translates to one in every 69 people. Most are internally displaced. About 43,4 million crossed external borders to see refuge in other countries.

High-income countries host just 24% of refugees

75% of refugees are hosted by low and middle-income countries. Uganda, Ethiopia and Sudan are African countries who are among the top 10 countries hosting the most refugees globally. See information on all 10 here.

69 % of refugees live in neighbouring countries

Most refugees live in places immediately bordering their home country. For example, Uganda hosts nearly 1, 5 million refugees from South Sudan and DRC respectively, at least 2,6 of the 3,4 million refugees in Iran are Afghan and most refugees in Türkiye are Syrians.

Over half of refugees come from three countries globally

52% of all refugees in the world came from just three countries by the end of 2022: Syria, Afghanistan, and Ukraine—all countries in conflict.

Nearly 1.1 million refugees returned home in 2023

Learn more about refugees and migration by reading the report below.

Download the UNHCR Global Trends 2023 Report.