How long does the asylum process take?

Please be aware that the times stated on this page are averages. Your case may be decided faster or slower than the average.

When might I receive my first instance decision? 

In 2023, the average waiting time was 13 months. This is from the initial application at the IPO (preliminary interview) to the initial decision (the decision which follows the substantive IPO interview).
This was reduced to 8 weeks for accelerated cases.  

How long will the IPAT appeal take?

In 2023, it took on average 5.5 months to receive a decision from the International Protection Appeal Tribunal (IPAT), following an appeal. 

What can I do if my case is delayed? 

If you are experiencing a significant delay, you can email your LAB lawyer and ask them to contact the IPO on your behalf.  However please be aware that, ultimately, the power to schedule interviews and grant decisions rest with the IPO/IPAT, your lawyer cannot control this.