The Irish Government has made a list countries that it deems to be generally "safe". 

Which countries are deemed safe?

Currently the countries included on the list are:
Algeria, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Georgia, Kosovo, Macedonia (Former Yugoslav Republic of), Montenegro, Serbia, South Africa. Brazil, Egypt, India, Morocco and Malawi.

Please keep an eye on this page because the list could be updated. 

I am from a safe country, what does this mean for my case? 

People who come from "Safe" countries can apply for asylum however they will probably be subject to an accelerated procedure. This means that the IPO may try to process their application very quickly.
If you are from a "Safe" country, the IPO will probably inform you of the date for your substantive interview on the day you apply for asylum. The interview could take place within a couple of weeks. Therefore, it is especially important that you apply for legal aid as soon as possible.

Will I be refused international protection because I am from a "safe" country?

Not necessarily, even if you are from a safe country, you may be granted refugee status or subsidiary protection.
This is because the IPO must take into account your individual circumstances before making a decision on your case. As an applicant from a safe country, you may be expected to provide more evidence as to why it is not safe for you to return to your country. 

Can I appeal my decision?

Yes, if you receive a negative first instance decision, you can appeal this decision to the IPAT, with the help of your lawyer.
However, because if you are from a safe country, the IPAT might request that the appeal take place without an oral hearing. This means that the IPAT would make a decision on your appeal based on written submissions from your lawyer. You would not have opportunity to speak to the judge who is making the decision. 
If this happens, your lawyer can ask the IPAT conduct an oral hearing. The IPAT can agree to this or refuse. 

Is Nigeria on the "safe" country list?

No, Nigeria has not been added to the list. 
However, Nigeria is currently subject to the accelerated procedure, in a similar way to safe countries. 
Please see here for more information.
Can I work if I am from a safe country?

If you have received your first instance decision from the International Protection Office within 6 months of applying for International Protection, you are not eligible for Labour Market Access and your application will be refused. 

This is most likely to impact people from Safe countries.