What are my rights and entitlements after I receive status?

If you are granted a positive decision through the asylum process, you will be granted one of the following:
  • refugee status
  • subsidiary protection
  • permission to remain
With all three options, you will have Stamp 4 status, and similar rights to an Irish citizen in terms of housing, social welfare, employment and education. However there are some key differences in terms of family reunification, travel documents and naturalisation as an Irish citizen.

The written information and video below (available in Arabic here) explains these differences:

Family Reunification
If you are granted RS or SP you can apply for family reunification, for eligible family members. If you are granted PTR, you will have to investigate a join family visa (also known D visa).
Travel Documents
Refugees are entitled to a travel document, beneficiaries of PTR are not and beneficiaries of SP might be, depending on the details of their case. 
Refugees can apply for Irish naturalisation 3 years after the date they applied for asylum. Beneficiaries of SP and PTR can apply 5 years after receiving the Ministerial letter granting them status.