The journeys of people fleeing from war, persecution, and human rights violations are fraught with peril and uncertainty. Upon arrival in Ireland, many are placed in unsuitable accommodation or left rough sleeping. 

Further, understanding a new legal system and accessing essential services can be daunting even for those who have English and integrating into a new society which involves learning a new language for many, and finding employment are significant hurdles that require immense courage, resilience and support.

Our Mission In Action

At the Irish Refugee Council, we provide support and advocate for people seeking protection and refugees. Our mission is to ensure that every refugee who arrives in Ireland fleeing unimaginable situations receives the support, and the resources they need to rebuild their lives.

Our Information and Advocacy Service, Law Centre, Housing, Ukraine Response, Education, Employment, Youth Work, Resettlement, Community Sponsorship, Policy and Advocacy programmes provide tailored services, supports and advocacy to meet the needs of a diverse cohort of people, newly arrived through to those transitioning from Direct Provision in a challenging context.


Homelessness presents a unique and urgent challenge of scale (see statistics here). It is an issue that has significantly altered our work and is threatening the wellbeing of the people we work with. We have been meeting with those affected providing critical information and advocating on their behalf.

Our Independent Law Centre instituted legal proceedings to compel the State to meet its legal obligations. The High Court found the State to be in breach of the reception conditions directive by failing to fulfill applicants’ reception needs.

Read Judgement here.

Learn more about our work and impact in our latest report below.

Download the 2023 Impact Report